How to convert FITS files?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteTotal Image Converter is extremely efficient in managing a wide range of batch conversions. It will help you to convert multiple FITS files at once.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

What is the fits-files? How do they differ from all the others?

The FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is a standard format used particularly for storing, transferring and processing scientific images from fields such as astronomy. FITS was first launched as an open standard in the early 1980s and has gone through several subsequent upgrades. FITS files contain not just images, but also data related to photometry and spatial calibration, and information about the origin of the image. Similar formats include FIT and FTS.

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How To Provide Tiff Invoices in PDF Format Overnight

Reading Time: 2 minutesOnce you need to convert your TIFF files to PDF Format, Coolutils Total Image Converter software will help you.

Reading Time: 2 minutesEver faced the rush of proving the right documents on time? Things get worse when your files are in TIFF and you have to produce PDF. You search for the solution but some of your TIFFs are not processed. Time to panic.

Thank God here is the file converter you can trust most sophisticated files. Here is the feedback we received last week from our user:

“The workflow challenge we are dealing with is being able to convert TIF files to PDF. As part of an audit process, our finance department must sometimes provide up to hundreds of vendor invoices in PDF format. The original invoices are scanned in our corporate Accounts Payable office and saved as a TIF. For about 10-20%, although the TIF may be viewable, the format/header info is incomplete or corrupt.
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