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Audio Converter Online

1) Upload file to convert


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2) Set convert options

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3) Get converted file

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Get Total Audio Converter to convert whole albums in one go.

Audio Converter To Convert Almost All Audio Formats
  • Convert Audio Files in Batch!;
  • Convert [FROM] to [TO] and in many other formats
  • Convert hundreds of tracks in 3 clicks;
  • Have a desktop converter that works without Internet;
  • Get additional settings;
  • Keep your files safe, don't send them to the web.
See features
NOW 20% OFF - $24.90 $17.43
*Only this month. Not for resellers.
close Total Audio Converter
okTotal Audio Converter supports WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA, APE, FLAC, MP4, AAC, MPC and many other rare image file types files (complete list).
okRip CDs to WAV, FLAC, OGG, MP3, AAC, WMA, MPC, APE and other formats with Total Audio Converter!
okNo tech knowledge required. Intuitive interface makes it easy for everybody to be the master of audio conversions. If you do not know what bit rate or frequency to choose the wizard of the program will automatically set the most appropriate.
okWhat to combine tracks into one audio file? Total Audio Converter can do that too!
okConvert MP3, WAV, AAC and many other files in seconds via our foolproof interface with lots of hints for beginners.
okCNet editor's review: TAC is reasonably attractive and plenty powerful to justify its $20 price.
okTotal Audio Converter converts a lot of rare audio file types like NIST, AU, TTA, MOD, MIDI, XM, PAF, SPX audios.
okTotal Audio Converter can split FLAC and APE files by CUE (split CUE-based FLAC, split CUE-based APE).
okPrice. No hidden costs! Our pricing is clear and concise. Once paid you get all the upgrades for free. Tech support is also free to registered users (sure we will answer all your questions even if you are using trial version of Total Audio Converter).
okTotal Audio Converter can get audio tracks from YouTube videos - just paste the url.
okTotal Audio Converter can be run via command line (get the ready-to-use command line from GUI settings).
okSoftonic Editor: Total Audio Converter is an easy-to-use tool conversion tool with support for a bunch of formats and ability to rip audio CDs.

Complete list of supported Audio online conversions:

NCM Format

KGM Format

TKM Format

QMC3 Format

QMC0 Format

TM2 Format

TM6 Format

KWM Format

X3M Format

X2M Format

MIGU Format

AWB Format

IT Format

S3M Format

UMX Format

MO3 Format

RMJ Format

3GA Format

ALAC Format

AIFF Format

IFF Format

AUD Format

GSM Format

AMR Format

FLAC Format

VOC Format

IFF Format

AIFF Format

GSM Format

VOC Format

VOX Format

XMA Format

SPX Format

WMA Format

AWB Format

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