TIFF Combine Command Line
Usage: TIFFCombine.exe <source> <destination> <options>
If you have path with spaces, use quotation marks.
By the way You can use macroses in the Destination path
- <DATE[:format]> - current date, default format is yyyymmdd
- <TIME[:format]> - current time, default format hhmmss
For example: destination C:\<DATE>_<TIME:hhmm> produce file C:\20100923_1149Options:
- -log <FileName> - Don`t show errors. Write them to the log file
- -list - File with files mask to convert
- -Recurse - Include subfolders
- -do - Delete originals
- -kfs - Keep Folder Structure
- -cimt - Combine images to multipage TIFF
- none - Every image to separate file
- onefile - All images to one file
- folder - Separate files by folders
- name - Separate files by common name part
- blank - Separate files by blank page
- -npr - Range you want to analyze for grouping files by name
- -s - Resize to <Width>x<Height>
- -m - Resize method
- n - no resize
- s - stretch
- t - thumbnail
- f - fit
- -crop - Crop to <Left>x<Top>-<Right>x<Bottom>
- -o - Rotate
- tr -
top / right side - br -
bottom / right side - bl -
bottom / left side - lt -
left side / top - rt -
right side / top - rb -
right side / bottom - lb -
left side / bottom - ue - Use EXIF information (if exists)
- -tc - Tiff file compression
- auto - Select best compression for every page
- unc - uncompressed TIFF
- lzw - LZW compression
- rle - RLE compression (packbits)
- jpg - JPEG compression
- bhc - Bilevel Huffman compression (CCITT1D)
- bgm - Bilevel Group 3 CCITT compression, monodimensional (G3FAX1D)
- bgb - Bilevel Group 3 CCITT compression, bidimensional (G3FAX2D)
- bg4 - Bilevel Group 4 CCITT compression, bidimensional (G4FAX)
- zip - ZIP compression (non TIFF standard)
- dfl - DEFLATE, Adobe ZIP compression (non TIFF standard)
- -tp - TIFF Photometric interpretation
- wz - white is zero
- bz - black is zero
- rgb - RGB
- pal - RGB palette
- mask - Transparent mask
- cmyk - CMYK
- ycbcr - YCBCR
- cielab - CIELAB
- -tbg - Background color for transparent images
- -pc - PDF compression
- unc - no compression
- rle - run length compression
- g4 - G4Fax (only black/white images)
- g3 - G3Fax (only black/white images)
- jpg - DCT-jpeg (only color images)
- lzw - LZW compression (for color and black/white images)
- -pn - PDF Paper name
- -ps - PDF Paper size x (for custom page name)
- -po - PDF Paper orientation
- p - Portrait
- l - Landscape
- -pdf_title - PDF document title
- -pdf_subject - PDF document subject
- -pdf_author - PDF document author
- -pdf_keywords - PDF document keywords
- -wif - Watermark image file name
- -wit - Watermark image transparency
- -wip - Watermark image position
- tl - Top Left
- tr - Top Right
- bl - Bottom Left
- br - Bottom Right
- -wtc - Watermark comment
- -wtcp - Watermark comment position
- tl - Top Left
- t - Top
- tr - Top Right
- bl - Bottom Left
- b - Bottom
- br - Bottom Right
- c - Center
- -wtcs - Watermark comment space
- -wtcf - Watermark comment font "Font Name,Size,Color(HTML Style),Style(BISU)"
wtcf "Arial,10,Red,BI" - font Arial, size - 10pt, color - red and style - Bold, Italic
- TIFFCombine.exe D:\1.tif D:\2.tif D:\3.tif D:\Dest.tif
Combine 1.tif + 2.tif + 3.tiff into D:\Dest.tif
- TIFFCombine.exe D:\Images\*.tif D:\combine.tif -tcG4FAX
Combine all tiff images from D:\Images to the file D:\combine.tif, converting them to Bilevel Group 4 CCITT (G4FAX) format
- TIFFCombine.exe D:\Images\*.tif "D:\Dest Folder\" -cimt name -npr "1-7"
Combine all tiff images using a common part of the name from D:\Images to the dest folder D:\Dest Folder\, converting them to Bilevel Group 4 CCITT (G4FAX) format
Note that -list is used when there is a list of files in a file.