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Purchase PDF Combine Pro

No risk with our 30-day money-back guarantee!

Home License
Personal use at home.


Commercial License
Commercial use for 1 person in business or government environment.


Special offer!

Server License
SDK to convert files on your company's Windows server.


Site License
Commercial use for 30 employees of one company.


Royalty-free License
Redistribution rights for 1 developer and 1 location.


"We're going to install on another machine and register it there. How is it that EXACTLY what we were looking for we couldn't find for weeks, and not until after sifting through Nuances and Nitros and Powerpdfs of all types? Creating PDFs from multiple source files from possibly multiple locations with multiple options, and then ability to save and recreate every quarter at a click... genius. Thanks." Pacific Portfolio, a Seattle investment and wealth advisory firm

EULA, Support and Upgrades.

Find our End User License Agreement here. Support and upgrades are sold as yearly Maintenance plans. New registered users get 1 year of software maintenance for free. Further upgrades are offered with the 50% discount. Paid upgrades are optional. If you keep using your version no other fees apply.

License Explanation

  • Home License:
    For personal use only. One license can be installed on up to 2 stand-alone computers used exclusively by the same individual user.

  • Commercial License:
    PDF Combine Pro can be used in the legal business, commercial or government environment exclusively by the user who purchases a license.

  • Server License:
    PDF Combine Pro X can be used by a server via command-line for automatic processing. ActiveX is included. One server license restricts to one server. If several employees will use the product on local machines, apply for a site license instead.

  • Site License:
    PDF Combine Pro can be used by up to 30 employees of your company or organization. If you have more users, please, apply for an extended site license via contact form (the price per user will be much cheaper).

  • Royalty-free License:
    You may implement PDF Combine Pro into your product and distribute the program to third parties as an integral part of such product. Use it to add PDF combining functionality to your system without developing your own app. Your customers are unaware that CoolUtils app is inside, no additional registration from them is required. No royalties are paid. Your products must be end-user products. The price is valid for 1 developer and 1 location of the derived work (for example, one client's site). All developers working on the project should be licensed, even if they don't work with Coolutils app directly. If you have more developers or want unlimited locations, please, contact us for a quote.

With any questions or concerns please contact us via support form.

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commercial use

For Office Users

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