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Tiff Paging X   

Tiff Paging X is the server app to split, combine, re-arrange pages in TIFF files.

(only $99.90)

Tiff PagingX is a new unique utility designed to cover all your work with TIFF files. Extract certain pages from Tiff files and later combine them as you need. Tiff PagingX is very flexible - it can split pages by numbers or every odd\even page, or the first 5 pages from the .tiff document.

Based on the rich feedback from our clients we added Crop and Rotate features to the program. Now you can crop and rotate your TIFF files in one tool and in one process.

Forget about times when you used one tool to split tiffs and another to combine them. Now everything is done within one program. Note that Tiff PagingX supports both TIF and TIFF files.

Tiff PagingX can be used on web-servers. It has no user interface or any interrapting windows. Execute the command line and forget about it. Tiff Paging will do the job silently. Download the trial version now to test it out. You will be amazed how simple srlitting and combining TIFF files can be.

Note that ActiveX is 32-bit only. If you are trying to use activeX under 64-bit internet information server (IIS) activeX will not work. Use command line version instead.

    FREE DOWNLOAD Tiff Paging X    
(only $99.90)
Updated Sat, 08 Feb 2025




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Windows 8 Compatible
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