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How to convert TXT to DOCX


There's an awful lot to be said for TXT files as a text-based file format. They're tiny, truly cross-platform, open in seconds in an enormous range of applications and present a truly distraction free environment for marshalling your thoughts.

All that said, there will of course be the occasional requirement for getting their contents into something a little more fully featured like Microsoft Word so that you can integrate formatting and graphic assets. When that's the case, you'll be looking for some sort of batch DOCX converter to save yourself potentially hours of tedious manual labour.

Our Total Doc Converter is the perfect tool for the job. It'll blaze through a huge variety of file formats and can convert TXT to DOCX in batch with ease.

Don't be tempted by the many "free online DOCX converters" out there. The tiny amount of money you'll save will be dwarfed by the amount of time wasted first finding them and then discovering they can only process one file at a time with generally poor output quality.

You also don't want to find yourself having to fire up Word and hit the "Save TXT as DOCX" option over and over again when you could be getting on with actual high-value work.

Let Total Doc Converter step in and do the heavy lifting here. It's been very carefully designed with a number of standout features that will save you and your team literally hours of time.

Adding watermarks to documents, for example, is the matter of a few clicks. The software also respects your existing file structure when dealing with files in bulk so you're not required to waste time moving files around pre- and post conversion.

download Total DOC Converter

The full power of the batch functionality can be accessed both via the command line and through the intuitive GUI. Power users will appreciate the full range of option flags that allow them to bend the software to their will with a few keystrokes. The less technically minded will be able to do exactly the same by creating their own executable BAT files via the GUI to handle common tasks.

Download a free trial version of Total Doc Converter today and discover the difference it can make to the workflow of you and your team!


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Updated Mon, 24 Mar 2025

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