If you want to use the information stored in MS Excel tables for feeding online catalogues or creating website databases, you need to convert hem to XML format. This file type is a standard for storing structured data for web use. The best way to do this is to use specialized Excel XML converter that will export XLS files to a new format quickly and correctly. Such program is Total Excel Converter that can perform various types of conversions for Excel tables.
Total Excel Converter supports both XLS and XLSX formats, so tables created in any version of MS Excel are compatible with this converter. If you require to convert a lot of files, this program offers a handy ability to convert Excel to XML in batch that means you can process all files at a heat.

To do this, you will need:
- Launch Total Excel Converter
- Select all XLS files you need to convert
- Press XML button in the format bar
- Make settings
- Enable XML conversion by pressing 'Start!'

These simple steps will bring you correct XML copies of all the files you selected. This converter doesn't require many manual work. You can simply specify a destination for storing future XML copies, and file name template. You can also make the program convert each Excel spreadsheet to separate XML file. All these settings are optional, they can be used only if necessary.
Total Excel converter can convert Excel to XML from the command line. You can specify all conversion parameters in the command line and run conversion in the background mode. The command for conversion is very simple, you will easily manage with this. The details can be found in Help menu.
If you wish, you can try Total Excel Converter for free. Its 30-days trial version is available for downloading here.