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Convert Excel to Access Command line

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excel server converter

Windows Vista/7/8/10/11


XLS (which is a standard format used by Microsoft Excel, a program included by default in Microsoft Office package) is very popular among computer users due to the fact that this format is compatible with numerous applications. Access (or Microsoft Access), is another application included by default in the Microsoft Office Package. It is used to create tables, forms, queries, reports, as well as to perform many other actions, especially when Access is used in combination with other technologies.

Normally, certain applications allow users to convert Excel to Access; but in case you find yourself in a situation where the software your company is using no longer meets your needs, consider getting Total Excel Converter X.

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Having been developed by CoolUtils, this program is a unique Excel server converter. It is designed specifically for use by large corporations, but is perfect for companies of any size using electronic which electronic document management systems are used by several users. The program is installed on a web-server. As the result, it allows different departments to convert Excel on web-server.

Total Excel Converter X has command line support, so your employees can easily and quickly convert Excel to Access. Command line can be used for this purpose as well. For this, they only need to enter the following command:

ExcelConverterX.exe <source> <destination> <options>, where

<source> stands for the folder with Excel files

<destination> stands for the folder you want to have all resulting files to be saved to

<options> stands for the actions command

Example: XLS files saved in "My documents" folder can be converted to Access with the help of the following command:

ExcelConverterX.exe C:\My Documents\*.XLS C:\Access\ -cAccess

To see what other commands can be used in Total Excel Converter X, please visit the official website of CoolUtils. To convert Excel to Access, no GUI, get Total Excel Converter X today! Purchase a fully functional version now or check out our unique offer: a free 30-day trial version of Total Excel Converter X!

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   Updated Mon, 26 Feb 2024
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