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Convert XHTML to XLS In Batch


It's a task even the most expert of Excel users can dread - having to convert XHTML to XLS.

Excel is a powerful tool but the options for getting XHTML into it are far from obvious and if you need to change an .XHTML to .XLS in a hurry, you're not going to want to have to work it out from scratch.

Do yourself a favour and let our Total HTML Converter take care of business for you.

It gives you a straightforward way of being able to export XHTML to Excel and get on with your working day whether you're dealing with one file or hundreds.

Total HTML Converter is a full-featured, affordable batch XHTML converter that can output to XLS with ease along with a huge range of other output formats such as PDF, DOC, ODT and many more.

Combining multiple XHTML documents into a single XLS is a snap with our software and there are a number of conversion options available depending on whether you're dealing with a simple table layout or something more complex.

You're free to decide whether backgrounds or included images from the source file are imported and can also add image watermarks to each page.

Javascript in the source file can be enabled prior to import if required and we've included an option to force stop any slow script loops that pop up as a result.

As with most conversion products in our range of solutions, Total HTML Converter can either be run via the command line if you are comfortable with that method or simply controlled via its standard graphical interface.

We've also done our best to cover a full range of licensing options as well to handle any use case you can throw at the software.

download Total HTML Converter

We've helped thousands of happy customers just like you to solve their conversion conundrums over the years and we're confident that Total HTML Converter can make a real difference to your weekly workflow.

Put our claim to the test by downloading a free trial copy of the software today to check its functionality for yourself. We're sure you'll be pleased with the results!

We welcome any comments or queries and are happy to respond to anything submitted via our contact page or Facebook. Feel free to get in touch!

Windows Vista/7/8/10/11


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Updated Fri, 07 Mar 2025

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