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<A HRef= ""> Advanced Software by</A> Audio, image, html and pdf converters, directory print utilities, file rename utilities and much more.
Total Image Converter X
Total Image Converter X is the right solution to be setup on web-servers.
 (only $159.90)
Total Image ConverterX is the right converter to be setup on web-servers. It acts just like common image converter (changes size or format of images) and it runs on servers, which most image converters don't do. Total Image Converter X includes Active X.
Total Image Converter X supports most popular formats of graphics
- Windows Bitmap (BMP, DIB, RLE)
- JPEG 2000 (J2K, JP2, JPC, J2C)
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
- Adobe Photoshop (PSD, PDD)
- Kodak Photo CD (PCD)
- Tagged Image File Format (TIFF, TIF, FAX, G3N, G3F).
Support CMYK tiff to RGB tiff conversion also
- Windows Icon (ICO)
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
- Vector graphics (WMF, EMF, WMZ, EMZ).
- ZSoft Paintbrush (PCX, DCX)
- DR Halo (CUT)
- Portable Pixmap (PXM, PPM, PBM, PGM)
- Truevision TGA (TGA, TARGA, VDA, ICB, VST, WIN)
- Raw formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, X3F, RAW, BAY, ORF, MRW, SRF, MRW)
Total Image Converter X converts files in batches (two or more at once), which is invaluable when you have to convert hundreds of images. With Total Image Converter X you can also resize, rotate or mirror images and change the color resolution (include convert to black and white color) of your graphics. All this can be done in batch too.
Designed for web-servers Total Image Converter X has no GUI, just the command line and performs fully automatically. Try it for free (30 days trial period, no limitations) and find out that it is really worth its money.
Feel free to write to us if you need some format that Total Image Converter X doesn't support. We will do our best to meet your wishes.
Example ASP:
dim C
Set C=CreateObject("/imageConverter.ImageConverterX")
C.Convert "c:\source.BMP", "c:\dest.TIF", "-c TIF -log c:\Image.log"
Response.Write C.ErrorMessage
set C = nothing
Example2 ASP: directly stream the resulting PDF
dim C
Set C=CreateObject("/imageConverter.ImageConverterX")
Response.AddHeader "Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream"
Rresponse.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf"
Response.BinaryWrite c.ConvertToStream("C:\www\ASP\Source.tiff", "C:\www\ASP", "-cpdf -log c:\Image.log")
set C = nothing
Example PHP:
if (file_exists($dest)) unlink($dest);
$c= new COM("/imageConverter.ImageConverterX");
$c->convert($src,$dest, "-c gif -log c:\Image.log");
if (file_exists($dest)) echo "OK"; else echo "fail:".$c->ErrorMessage;
Some more samples in C# specifically for WinForms. If you need examples on other languages please contact us. We will create any example specially for you.
Note that ActiveX is 32-bit only. If you are trying to use activeX under 64-bit internet information server (IIS) activeX will not work. Use command line version instead. |
If you need examples on other languages please contact us. We will create any example specially for you.
P.S. Take a look at Total Folder Monitor. It will watch any folder and run Total Image Converter in case a new image file arrives. Find more details here.
Note that ActiveX is 32-bit only. If you are trying to use activeX under 64-bit internet information server (IIS) activeX will not work. Use command line version instead.
Total Image ConverterX tailored to YOUR needs.
- If you have a special requirement
- If you want additional options
Contact us. We will gladly enhance our image converter so that it fit your needs perfectly. Customization is often free to our customers.
Success stories.
Total Image ConverterX costs $89.90 for Windows NT Terminal Server (less than 10 users) and servers. If you will use Total Image ConverterX on a Windows NT Terminal Server with more than 10 users please contact us to obtain the appropriate license.
(only $159.90) |
Updated Thu, 06 Feb 2025 |
What do you think about this program?
Key Features | - Converts files of all image formats
- Runs on Windows web-servers
- ActiveX is also available
- Converts images in batches
- Buit-in image viewer
- Resize, Crop, Rotate and Mirror options
- Converts images to black and white
- Command line
- Windows 8 compatible