Is an email converter a missing part in your system? Take our reasy-to-use solution, add a few lines of code (we provide the samples in PHP, C++, C#, etc.) and save emails with attachments as PDF, TIFF, JPEG, DOC, HTML, EML, PST files.
Our clients say:
"I am very pleased with the product. So far it has passed all of our initial QA tests. I am making use of the tool programmatically as part of a larger custom stand-alone custom legacy content management system migration. The current legacy system stores email content in MSG format. We recommended that we provide that content in the EML and PDF formats during the migration in order to provide more standardized access to this content. This is where your tool fits in. We have successfully integrated your tool into our migration program to facilitate this task for this customer."
Total Mail Converter ProX is perfect for email migration and archiving, legal matters, adding emails to any electronic document system or freedon of information requests.
Server License:
If Total Mail Converter ProX is licensed with server license terms, you are granted the non-transferable, non-exclusive, and perpetual right to deploy the licensed software to one server to be used in one company by up to 100 employees. One server license restricts to one server. ActiveX is included.
Royalty-free License:
You may implement Total Mail Converter ProX into your product and distribute the program to third parties as an integral part of such product. RFL is licensed per project. Your customers are unaware that CoolUtils app is inside, no additional registration from them is required. It's the easiest way for you to add email conversion functionality into your system.
Coolutils converters are most cost-effective solutions. Pricing is very flexible and is good for a small company with 5 employees and large corporations like Deloitte or PricewaterhouseCoopers. Server licenses start from $359.90 only!
string src="C:\\test\\Source.eml"; string dest="C:\\test\\Dest.PDF"; MailConverterX Cnv = new MailConverterX(); Cnv.Convert(src, dest, "-c PDF -log c:\\test\\Mail.log"); MessageBox.Show("Convert complete!");
Download .NET Mail Covnerter Pro example
docker run -p 5000:5000 tdhster/mailconverter-api
dim C Set C=CreateObject("MailConverterPro.MailConverterX") C.Convert "c:\test\source.eml", "c:\test\dest.pdf", "-cPDF -log c:\mail.log" Response.Write C.ErrorMessage set C = nothing
dim C Set C=CreateObject("MailConverterPro.MailConverterX") Response.Clear Response.AddHeader "Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream" Rresponse.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf" Response.BinaryWrite c.ConvertToStream("C:\www\ASP\Source.eml", "C:\www\ASP", "-cpdf -log c:\html.log") set C = nothing
Example PHP: $src="C:\\test\\test.msg"; $dest="C:\\test\\test.pdf"; if (file_exists($dest)) unlink($dest); $c= new COM("MailConverterPro.MailConverterX"); $c->convert($src,$dest, "-c pdf -log c:\\Mail.log"); if (file_exists($dest)) echo "OK"; else echo "fail:".$c->ErrorMessage;
require 'win32ole' c ='MailConverterPro.MailConverterX') src="C:\\test\\test.eml"; dest="C:\\test\\test.tiff"; c.convert(src,dest, "-c TIFF -log c:\\test\\Mail.log"); if not File.exist?(dest) puts c.ErrorMessage end
import win32com.client import os.path c = win32com.client.Dispatch("MailConverterPro.MailConverterX") src="C:\\test\\test.eml"; dest="C:\\test\\test.tiff"; c.convert(src, dest, "-c TIFF -log c:\\test\\Mail.log"); if not os.path.exists(file_path): print(c.ErrorMessage)
uses Dialogs, Vcl.OleAuto; var c: OleVariant; begin c:=CreateOleObject('MailConverterPro.MailConverterX'); C.Convert('c:\test\source.eml', 'c:\test\dest.tiff', '-c TIFF -log c:\test\Mail.log'); IF c.ErrorMessage<> Then ShowMessage(c.ErrorMessage); end;
var c = new ActiveXObject("MailConverterPro.MailConverterX"); c.Convert("C:\\test\\source.msg", "C:\\test\\dest.pdf", "-c PDF"); if (c.ErrorMessage!="") alert(c.ErrorMessage)
use Win32::OLE; my $src="C:\\test\\test.eml"; my $dest="C:\\test\\test.tiff"; my $c = CreateObject Win32::OLE 'MailConverterPro.MailConverterX'; $c->convert($src,$dest, "-c TIFF -log c:\\test\\Mail.log"); print $c->ErrorMessage if -e $dest;
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