Safely convert your CAD files to images on web-servers.
2012/2016/2019/2022 Server
Total CAD ConverterX (SDK) converts CAD files to PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, WMF, PNG, DXF, BMP on web-servers. The program has no GUI or any interrupting messages. The list of source formats is rather wide: dxf, dwg, dwf, plt, hg, hgl, hpg, plo, hp, hpl, hpgl, hp1, hp2, hpgl2, gl2, spl, prn, svg, cgm. Total cad Converter X (SDK) includes command line converter and ActiveX.
Total CAD ConverterX has unique options to batch convert several CAD files at a time:
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(includes 30 day FREE trial)
(only $950.00)
string src="C:\\test\\Source.dwg"; string dest="C:\\test\\Dest.PDF"; CADConverterX Cnv = new CADConverterX(); Cnv.Convert(src, dest, "-c PDF -log c:\\test\\CAD.log"); MessageBox.Show("Convert complete!");
Download .NET CAD Covnerter example
public static class Function1 { [FunctionName("Function1")] public static async TaskRun( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { StringBuilder sbLogs = new StringBuilder(); sbLogs.AppendLine("started..."); try { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; var assemblyDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); assemblyDirectoryPath = assemblyDirectoryPath.Substring(0, assemblyDirectoryPath.Length - 4); var executablePath = $@"{assemblyDirectoryPath}\Converter\CADConverterX.exe"; sbLogs.AppendLine(executablePath + "..."); var msgPath = $@"{assemblyDirectoryPath}\MSG\MSG-1.dwg"; var outPath = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".pdf"; startInfo.FileName = executablePath; if (File.Exists(outPath)) { File.Delete(outPath); } if (File.Exists(executablePath) && File.Exists(msgPath)) { sbLogs.AppendLine("files exists..."); } else sbLogs.AppendLine("EXE & MSG files NOT exists..."); startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.Arguments = $"{msgPath} {outPath}"; using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo)) { sbLogs.AppendLine($"wait...{DateTime.Now.ToString()}"); exeProcess.WaitForExit(); sbLogs.AppendLine($"complete...{DateTime.Now.ToString()}"); } int sleepCounter = 10; while(!File.Exists(outPath) && sleepCounter > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); sbLogs.AppendLine("sleep..."); sleepCounter--; } if (File.Exists(outPath)) sbLogs.AppendLine("Conversion complete successfully."); } catch (Exception ex) { sbLogs.AppendLine(ex.ToString()); } return new OkObjectResult(sbLogs); } }
dim C Set C=CreateObject("CADConverter.CADConverterX") C.Convert "c:\test\source.dwg", "c:\test\dest.pdf", "-cPDF -log c:\test\CAD.log" Response.Write C.ErrorMessage set C = nothing
dim C Set C=CreateObject("CADConverter.CADConverterX") Response.Clear Response.AddHeader "Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream" Rresponse.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf" Response.BinaryWrite c.ConvertToStream("C:\www\ASP\Source.dwg", "C:\www\ASP", "-cpdf -log c:\html.log") set C = nothing
Example PHP: $src="C:\\test\\test.dwg"; $dest="C:\\test\\test.pdf"; if (file_exists($dest)) unlink($dest); $c= new COM("CADConverter.CADConverterX"); $c->convert($src,$dest, "-c pdf -log c:\\test\\Mail.log"); if (file_exists($dest)) echo "OK"; else echo "fail:".$c->ErrorMessage;
require 'win32ole' c ='CADConverter.CADConverterX') src="C:\\test\\test.dwg"; dest="C:\\test\\test.pdf"; c.convert(src,dest, "-c PDF -log c:\\test\\CAD.log"); if not File.exist?(dest) puts c.ErrorMessage end
import win32com.client import os.path c = win32com.client.Dispatch("CADConverter.CADConverterX") src="C:\\test\\test.dwg"; dest="C:\\test\\test.pdf"; c.convert(src, dest, "-c PDF -log c:\\test\\CAD.log"); if not os.path.exists(file_path): print(c.ErrorMessage)
uses Dialogs, Vcl.OleAuto; var c: OleVariant; begin c:=CreateOleObject('CADConverter.CADConverterX'); C.Convert('c:\test\source.dwg', 'c:\test\dest.pdf', '-cPDF -log c:\test\CAD.log'); IF c.ErrorMessage<> Then ShowMessage(c.ErrorMessage); end;
var c = new ActiveXObject("CADConverter.CADConverterX"); c.Convert("C:\\test\\source.dwg", "C:\\test\\dest.pdf", "-c PDF"); if (c.ErrorMessage!="") alert(c.ErrorMessage)
use Win32::OLE; my $src="C:\\test\\test.dwg"; my $dest="C:\\test\\test.pdf"; my $c = CreateObject Win32::OLE 'CADConverter.CADConverterX'; $c->convert($src,$dest, "-c pdf -log c:\\test\\CAD.log"); print $c->ErrorMessage if -e $dest;
"It's been very helpful having this software. We have many old .plt files that we have no way of opening any longer without the help of software like this. I find Total CAD Converter very easy to use. Thank you!"
Brian Litherland, PE
Chief Engineer Transportation Design
"I use Inkscape to run a laser cutter. Inkscape does export as a PLT file but is very glitchy and more often than not fails. I have used another free converter available but the quality of the exported file was poor - with most curved lines being staggered. Total CAD Coverter converts in a smooth curve and gives many other export options."
Calida Hartley
Updated Sat, 15 Feb 2025
(only $950.00)