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How to convert PDF to CSV


PDF and CSV are two very different types of files. PDFs are designed to be read by humans, while CSV files are meant to be read by computers. While it is possible to convert a PDF into a CSV file, doing so requires special software and some knowledge of how the two types of files work.

Converting a PDF into a CSV file is not as simple as just changing the file extension from .pdf to .csv. Instead, you need to use a dedicated PDF-to-CSV converter tool. These tools are designed specifically for converting PDFs into CSVs, and they usually have a much higher success rate than trying to convert a PDF manually.

How to convert PDF to CSV by our software

Once you've found our PDF to CSV converter that meets your needs, follow the instructions below to convert your PDF into a CSV file:

pdf converter

Step One:

Download and install the CoolUtils software on your computer.

Step Two:

Launch the converter program and drag-and-drop your PDF into the software interface. Alternatively, you can click on "Add File" and select the PDF you want to convert.

Step Three:

Select CSV as the output format and choose a location to save the newly converted file.

Step Four:

Click on "Convert" and wait for the PDF-to-CSV conversion to finish. Once it's done, you can open up the CSV file in any spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, and view your data.

download XPS converter

Converting PDFs into CSVs is an easy process if you have the right tools. Follow the steps above to convert your PDFs into usable CSV files that can be opened in any spreadsheet program. With a little practice, you'll be able to convert PDFs into CSVs like a pro!

This PDF to CSV converter can also be operated via command line, so you can launch it from within any other utility.

Do you have any tips for converting PDFs into CSVs? Let us know


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Updated Thu, 27 Feb 2025

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