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XML Converter Online

1) Upload file to convert


Drop files here, or Click to select
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2) Set convert options

Convert to



Select XSLT file to apply the transformation


3) Get converted file

Full version
Have complicated XML files? Try our Total XML Converter.

Total XML Converter To Convert XML files
  • Convert XML Files in Batch!;
  • Convert [FROM] to [TO] and in many other formats
  • Get more accurate results with the more poweful engine;
  • Convert hundreds of files in 3 clicks;
  • Have a desktop converter that works without Internet.
See features
NOW 20% OFF - $59.90 $41.93
*Only this month. Not for resellers.
close Total XML Converter
okTotal XML Converter converts XML files to the widest list of output file formats: PDF, JSON, CSV, TXT, HTML, XLSX, SQL, XML, RTF, DOC, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, ACCESS, DBF.
okIf you have an XSLT file, you can add to to the app for the right transformation.
okConvert XML in 3 ways: expand to table form, highlight XML tree or create a report.
okAdd the page counter or any text watermark to each page of the output file.
okOur batch XML converter is very flexible: you can rely on default settings or change any of them to your needs.
okConvert XML to PDF and add security settings (user permissions, passwords, digital signature, etc.)
okDuring conversion all XML elements are transferred with the utmost accuracy.
okThe interface is strightforward and good for both beginners and advanced users.
okWith Total XML Converter you can extract images from XML files. Just one button for any number of files and you get the images in a new folder.
okWhen you convert XML to JSON, select compact (al text in one line) or indented (human readable) view.
okConverting XML to SQL, you can select the SQL options (Ansi, Interbase, DB2, MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
okWant to add your logo? Use the header option: add any image you like.
okOur app converts xml file or several folders in one process so that you could save time.
okConvert XML to CSV format and select comma and separator.
okCombine tables from different XML files when you convert XML files to CSV.
okTotal XML Converter can be run via command line ( you can get the command line from GUI in 1 click).

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