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Convert Word to PDF And Add User Permissions


With our flagship Total Doc Converter software, you are not simply limited to converting MS Word files to PDF. You are also in complete control of the output in terms of permissions - a level of extra utility that puts this full-featured Word PDF Converter in a class of its own.

You are able to set two different types of permission when you convert Word to encrypted PDF: one for the document owner and one for the regular user. The owner, naturally, will have access to the complete range of options whereas the regular user will find their options more carefully limited according to your preferences.

Many people consider PDFs as non-editable documents but this is actually not the case. A number of programs such as Adobe Acrobat exist which enable people to edit PDF documents. Users are also usually able to perform a wider set of tasks with PDFs including:

  • Viewing
  • Copying document data
  • Regular printing
  • High-resolution printing
  • Annotation
  • Form filling

Total Doc Converter allows you to take control over the permissions of all of these by setting user access levels in the settings wizard.

Total Doc Converter is designed for batch processing. When you are handling multiple files at once you are able to take advantage of presetting passwords that will be valid for all copies. You also, of course, have the option of setting a unique password for a particular file by processing it separately from the main batch when converting.

Total Doc Converter is known for the simplicity and power of its wizard-based user interface but exactly the same range of functionality is available via the command line where a full range of option flags are at the fingertips of power users.

No matter which way you choose to convert Word to PDF and add user permissions, the job will be carried out quickly and without difficulty.

word to pdf

In addition to using encryption to protect your documents, you also have the option of using a digital signature to further boost the security of your converted PDFs. Find more info about adding a digital signature to output PDF files here.

A full range of additional properties can be set prior to conversion including paper format, font style, margins and even compression level for images inside the document.

All these features and more are available in our 30-day free trial version. Download it today and start taking charge of your Word to PDF conversion workflow!


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Updated Fri, 07 Mar 2025

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