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Excel Converter Online

1) Upload file to convert


Drop files here, or Click to select
0 %

Allowed file types: ris, bib, ods, xls, xlsx, xlsm, csv, tsv, tab, xlsb, xltx, xlr, pxl, qpw, wb3, wq1, dbf, wk3, 123, mdb, sav, evtx, gnu, pages, numbers, sqlite

2) Set convert options

Convert to




3) Get converted file

Full version
Get Total Excel Converter to convert XLS, XLSX, ODT, XLSM, etc. safely.

Excel Converter To Convert Spreadsheets
  • Convert Excel Files in Batch!;
  • Convert [FROM] to [TO] and in many other formats
  • Convert hundreds of spreadsheets in 3 clicks;
  • Both MS Office and OpenOffice files;
  • Have a desktop converter that works without Internet;
  • Keep your files safe, don't send them to the web;
  • Get more accurate results with the more poweful engine.
See features
NOW 20% OFF - $59.90 $41.93
*Only this month. Not for resellers.
close Total Excel Converter
okTotal Excel Converter supports almost all Excel extensions: XLS, XLSX, XLSM, XLSB, XLT, XLTM, XLTX, XLK, XLW. When the new Office is released, we will add new file types too.
okWith Total Excel Converter you can convert Excel to PDF and add a digital signature in one go.
okTotal Excel Converter can convert each page of your spreadsheet into a separate file.
okTell Total Excel Converter to copy original time stamps if you don't want to change the date.
okHave an outdated Microsoft Office 2003? Update all your old files to the new format in one go. Convert XLS files to XLSX in batches.
okTotal Excel Converter will help you to convert Excel 2003 XML Files (rare option!)
okTotal Excel Converter has a built-in renamer to give your files new descriptive names. Include a counter, a date or worksheet name into the file name and your files will be in perfect order.
okConvert Excel spread sheets via our most straightforward interface.
okThe widest list of output file types: DOC, PDF, HTML, MHT, XHTML, CSV, TXT, TIFF, JPEG, SVG, RTF, XML, XLS, XLSX, ODS, ODT, Lotus, DIFF, SYLK, LATEX, SQL, DBF, Access!
okTotal Excel Converter can combine several Excel spread sheets into one TIFF or PDF file.
okWant to quickly find a file? Total Excel Converter helps you to preview any document you select.
okAdd your logo or any other image to the header or the footer of the output file.
okWant more order? Add page counters or a date to every page of the output files. Sequential numbering of several folders is avaialble.
okTotal Excel Converter can copy original time stamps if you want to keep them.
okWhen you convert Excel to PDF you can set user permissions, password-protect your files or sign with a digital signature. Get PDF, PDF/A and non-searchable PDFs.
okTotal Excel Converter can be run via command line (get the ready-to-use command line from GUI).

Complete list of supported Excel online conversions:

RIS Format

BIB Format

ODS Format

XLSX Format

XLSM Format

TSV Format

TAB Format

XLSB Format

XLTX Format

PXL Format

QPW Format

WB3 Format

WQ1 Format

WK3 Format

123 Format

MDB Format

SAV Format

GNU Format

PAGES Format



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