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Convert XPS to DOC Online

1) Upload XPS file to convert


Drop files here, or Click to select
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Allowed file types: pdf, ps, xps, oxps, pcl, pxl, prn, ai, eps, djvu

2) Set converting XPS to DOC options

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3) Get converted file

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Get Total PDF Converter to convert your files in batches safely.

  Total PDF Converter To Convert PDF files
  • Convert PDF Files in Batch!;
  • Convert XPS to DOC and in many other formats
  • Convert thousands of files in 3 clicks;
  • Have a desktop converter that works without Internet;
  • No need to send your files to the web;
  • Get more accurate output with the more poweful engine.
See features
NOW 20% OFF - $65.00 $45.50
*Only this month. Not for resellers.
close Total PDF Converter
okTotal PDF Converter supports PDF, PS, EPS, PRN, XPS, OXPS files. It's not a simple PRN converter, it's the all-in-one solution. New formats are constantly being added.
okTell Total PDF Converter if you want to omit images from the source files. You can also get the new file with images only without text if you like.
okConvert PDF to PDF/A in batch. Update thousands of files in one process.
okTotal PDF Converter can act as a PDF splitting utility and extract selected pages from a multi-page PDF. It can also split PDF by bookmarks or by blank pages.
okTotal PDF Converter will change the date of the file or keep the original time stamps. Just check the appropriate checkbox.
okSign PDF documents with your digital signature during the file conversion process.
okCombine several PDF files into one multi-page document with out powerful batch PDF converter.
okTotal PDF Converter can automatically rotate your documents.
okPDF to Word converter supports both Doc and DOCX for your convenience.
okConvert PDF to JPG? Customize the final image to your needs. Set the desired quality of the JPEG image to compromize the file size. The app also extracts selected pages and converts them to JPEG.
okConvert PDF/PS/EPS/PRN files via our clear interface with lots of hints for beginners.
okThe widest list of output file types: DOC, DOCX, RTF, XLS, HTML, BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, EMF, PNG, EPS, PS, TIFF, TXT, CSV, PDF/A and PDF!
okTotal PDF Converter can combine several PDF files into one TIFF image. Or place every page of a multi-page PDF into a new TIFF files.
okTune the output: set new margins in inches to your standards (ready for printing).
okEach PDF file is displayed in Preview panel. You can zoom it in/out or view the document full-sized. Preview option makes it easy to find the necessary PDF file.
okAdd text or image watermarks to the header or the footer of the output file. It's perfect for stamping bates too!
okWant more order? Add pagination (sequential numbering of folders is available).
okTotal PDF Converter can extract odd or even pages for you.
okUnlike free PDF converters, our app processes thousands of documents keeping the folder stucture.
okNo matter what MS Office you have, our app can convert PDF to DOC and DocX.
okWe also offer PDF Converter SDK for Web\SQL server\ASP\.NET\C#. With ActiveX you can easily implement our PDF converter into your application and redistribute it to the end users.
okTotal PDF Converter has full command line support (get the ready-to-use command line from GUI).

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Cloud Based
There is no need to install any software to convert XPS to DOC with CoolUtils. Simply access the internet, and you can easily convert your file online with our service.
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Our hardware operates in top-tier, highly secure data centers equipped with advanced electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems.
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Ease of Use
Converting from XPS to DOC has never been so simple. Our intuitive interface lets you convert files in just a few clicks.
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We understand the importance of privacy, which is why we've developed a comprehensive privacy policy detailing how we handle your files and personal information. You can read the policy here.


XPS File

File extension .XPS
CategoryDocument File
DescriptionFixed-layout XPS files have the same function as PDFs, and they are sometimes regarded as an potential alternative to PDFs. These files go with versions of Windows prior to 8, which uses built-in support for OXPS files. They are backwards incompatible, so it is impossible to open one in the preceding versions unless it is converted it to XPS. This extension has received ISO certification and has been recognized as an ECMA-388 standard. Even though XPS files have a simpler structure and take up less space than PDFs, they do not seem to have seized a tiny swath of popularity from PDFs so far.
Associated programsChrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft XPS Viewer
Developed byMicrosoft, Ecma International
MIME typeapplication/vnd.ms-xpsdocument
Useful linksMore detailed information on XPS files
Conversion typeXPS to DOC

Doc (Word) File

File extension .DOC
CategoryDocument File
DescriptionDOC is a native MS Word text format that supports markup and rich text styling. As opposite to TXT, together with texts DOC file can contain various formatting parameters, tables, images, other graphic elements and charts. Documents of such type are readable by MS Word, free Microsoft Word Viewer and many open source packages like LibreOffice. DOC files can be read and edited on Android OS by Kingsoft Office For Android. Since Word 2007 new, improved format version is used - DOCX.
Associated programsAbiWord
Apple Pages
Microsoft Word
Developed byMicrosoft
MIME typeapplication/msword
Useful linksMore detailed information on DOC files
5 Star Review   2024-02-17
Highly recommend this tool for anyone dealing with frequent conversions.
James Johnson

Rating XPS to DOC   5 star XPS to DOC   4.9 (1693 votes)
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Online XPS to DOC conversion

In today's document-centric digital landscape, the conversion from XPS to DOC signifies the need for editable, dynamic content. XPS, short for XML Paper Specification, is Microsoft's response to the PDF format. It encapsulates a document's layout, graphics, and text in a fixed manner, ensuring consistent display on Windows environments.

DOC, typically associated with Microsoft Word, is one of the most popular word processing file formats. Unlike XPS, DOC files are inherently editable, allowing users to easily modify content, apply formatting, and integrate various elements like tables and images.

Converting from XPS to DOC is a move from a static representation to a dynamic, editable one. It's particularly beneficial for professionals, students, and anyone who needs to extract, modify, or repurpose content originally saved in XPS format. Imagine needing to update a report or rework a piece of content - that's where this conversion comes in handy.

The challenge, however, lies in maintaining the original layout and formatting. Hence, the choice of a competent conversion tool is paramount. A quality converter ensures that the transition from XPS's fixed layout to DOC's editable format retains as much fidelity as possible, minimizing post-conversion adjustments.

Is it safe to convert XPS to DOC Online?

Our tool converts an uploaded copy of your original file. The original file stays on your computer and is unaffected by the process. There is no risk of data loss by conversion.

Also, your data is safe with us. We delete all uploads from our servers after one hour. In other words, an hour after you upload your files, those files are purged from our servers forever. You don't need to worry about your content being stored on the server.


How to convert XPS to DOC?

  1. Upload Your File: Go to the site, click on «Upload File,» and select your XPS file.
  2. Set Conversion Options: Choose DOC as the output format and adjust any additional options if needed.
  3. Convert and Download: Click «Download Converted File» to get your DOC file.

Convert from XPS

Using CoolUtils, it is possible to convert XPS files to a variety of other formats:

Convert to DOC

Using CoolUtils, it is possible to convert a variety of other formats to DOC files:

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