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What Is Batch TXT Converter?

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text converter

Windows 98/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista/7

Interface languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Russian, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Japanese, Chinese, Korean

If you have never before faced any problems with text formatting, then, most likely you are not aware of what text converter is and why use it. However, this day will come and you'd better be prepared. The best way to avoid formatting problems with text documents is download TXT converter.

TXT converter is a special programs designed to change the format of TXT files. Batch TXT converter, in its turn, is a program that allows you convert numerous TXT files in one go.

If you are currently looking for a high-quality TXT converter, we suggest you getting Total DOC Converter instead of checking out numerous online text converters. Having been developed by CoolUtils, this tool is designed to process hundreds to TXT files at a time with superior quality.

download txt converter

Here's how Total DOC Converter works:

  • You download the .exe file and install it following the instructions of the installation wizard
  • You launch the program and select the text documents you wish to convert from the list on your left
  • You set the target format by choosing the one you are interested in from the list on the top bar
  • You enjoy 100% automatic conversion

Advanced users who wish to edit the TXT files before or after conversion are free to do so! They can apply changes to one or several files.

batch txt converter

CoolUtils batch text converter is compatible not only with TXT format, but also with others, including: DOC, DOCX, DOCM, RTF, and RVF. Target formats supported by Total DOC Converter are: HTML, PDF, XLS, JPG, TIFF, and, of course, TXT.

You can get Total DOC converter from the official website of CoolUtils. Before buying the program, download its trial version and use it for 30 days for free to see whether it meets your needs and expectations. There is no obligation or hidden fees, so that you can delete Total DOC Converter from your computer if you decide not to buy it once the trial version expires.

Elsewise, you can take advantage of the totally free online Total Word Converter!

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(only $49.90)
   Updated Fri, 07 Mar 2025
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