With a command line PDF converter, you can transform files without a graphic interface (GUI). The special server edition of Total PDF Converter works with the ActiveX framework on Windows servers. Turn your data into any of the following file types:
You can also create images (BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WMF).
Use the command line PDF converter without an internet connection - follow our guide to register your server copy offline and get started! Turn PDF to Excel by command line and complete a plethora of other tasks as often as necessary. All you need is a simple sequence - PDFConverter.exe (use quotation marks if the path contains spaces).
Opportunities for Server Use
Now you know how to convert PDF files by the command line. If you need to generate other document formats or images on web servers, use PDF Converter X. It can create the same variety of file types - from DOC to TIFF! This is a quick and easy way to transform PDFs for your own purposes. The command line PDF converter works well with server and desktop/client applications.
Usage: PDFConverter.exe <source> <destination> <options> If you have path with spaces, use quotation marks.
By the way you can use macros in the estination path
<DATE[:format]> - current date, default format is yyyymmdd
<TIME[:format]> - current time, default format hhmmss
For example: destination C:\<DATE>_<TIME:hhmm> will produce this file C:\20150318_1300
-log - Don`t show errors. Write them to the log file
-verbosity - Log file verbosity
error - Write to log file only errors (default)
detail - Write detailed log file
-logmode - Log file mode
overwrite - Overwrite (default)
append - Append
-list - File with files mask to convert. Simple text file, each file on new line
-Recurse:off - Include subfolders
-do - Delete originals
-kfs - Keep folder structure
-fo - Force overwrite existed files
-limit - Limit converted files to count
-combine:off - Combine all files into one document (pdf, tiff)
-sort - Sort source file list
unsorted - Unsorted, natural order (default)
name - Sort by file name
date - Sort by file modification date
numbers - Sort by numbers in file name
-ext - Use custom extension for output files
-c - Convert to
DOC - convert to DOC
RTF - convert to RTF
XLS - convert to XLS
HTML - convert to HTML
BMP - convert to BMP
JPG - convert to JPEG
GIF - convert to GIF
WMF - convert to WMF
EMF - convert to EMF
PNG - convert to PNG
EPS - convert to EPS
PS - convert to PS
PCL - convert to PCL
TIF - convert to TIFF
TXT - convert to TXT
CSV - convert to CSV
PPT - convert to PPT
PDF - convert to PDF
-e - End page symbols to separate pdf pages in the text file
-s:off - Put every page into separate file
-t - Template for generating file name in "separate file" mode
-p - Extract only these pages
-cp - Make new document every <n> pages
-si:off - Convert into single image
-rotate - Rotation Angle
-ri - Elements to render, default [text,shape,images]
text - text
shape - shape
images - images
-TM - Top Margin (inches)
-LM - Left Margin (inches)
-BM - Bottom Margin (inches)
-RM - Right Margin (inches)
-po - Paper Orientation
Portrait - Portrait
Landscape - Landscape
-ps - Paper size
Letter - Letter
LetterSmall - LetterSmall
Tabloid - Tabloid
Ledger - Ledger
Legal - Legal
Statement - Statement
Executive - Executive
Folio - Folio
A0 - A0
A1 - A1
A2 - A2
A3 - A3
A4 - A4
A4Small - A4Small
A5 - A5
B4 - B4
B5 - B5
Quarto - Quarto
EnvC5 - Envelope C5
EnvC3 - Envelope C3
EnvC4 - Envelope C4
EnvC6 - Envelope C6
EnvB4 - Envelope B4
EnvB5 - Envelope B5
EnvB6 - Envelope B6
EnvMonarch - Envelope Monarch
Custom - Custom, you need to set paper dimensions
-pd - Custom paper size dimensions in mm <width>x<height>
-jq - JPEG Quality
-dpi - Image DPI
-tc - TIFF Image Compression
Uncompressed - uncompressed TIFF
LZW - LZW compression
RLE - RLE compression (packbits)
JPEG - JPEG compression
CCITT1D - Bilevel Huffman compression (CCITT1D)
G3FAX1D - Bilevel Group 3 CCITT compression, monodimensional (G3FAX1D)
G3FAX2D - Bilevel Group 3 CCITT compression, bidimensional (G3FAX2D)
G4FAX - Bilevel Group 4 CCITT compression, bidimensional (G4FAX)
-tiffpi - TIFF Photometric interpretation
wz - White is zero
bz - Black is zero
rgb - RGB
pal - RGB Palette
mask - Transparent mask
cmyk - CMYK
ycbcr - YCBCR
cielab - CIELAB
-pc - PDF file compression
Fastest - Fastest compression
Normal - Normal compression
Maximum - Maximum compression
-mp - PDF master (owner) password
-up - PDF user password
-perm - PDF user permissions
Copy - Copy
Modify - Modify
Annotation - Annotation
FormFill - FormFill
Accessibility - Accessibility
DocAssembly - DocAssembly
HighResPrint - HighResPrint
-PFXFile - PFX File for sign document
-PFXPass - The password to open the PFX file
-SignLoc - The location that the signing was done
-SignCon - The contact information of the signer
-SignRes - The reason for signing document
-PDFAuthor - PDF document author
-PDFSubject - PDF document subject
-PDFTitle - PDF document title
-pdfa:off - PDF/A compatibility mode
-pdfver - PDF document format version 1.2 - 1.6
-Head:off - Turn off header text
-HeadText - Header text. Where [page] - Page Number and [date] - current date
-HeadAlign - Header align
left - align left
right - align right
center - align center
-HeadFont - Header font name
-HeadSize - Header font size
-Foot:off - Turn off footer text
-FootText - Footer text. Where [page] - Page Number and [date] - current date
-FootAlign - Footer align
left - align left
right - align right
center - align center
-FootFont - Footer font name
-FootSize - Footer font size
PDFConverter.exe C:\PDF\Example.pdf C:\Pages\ -c TIFF -s -t"[Name].page#.tiff" Convert file Example.pdf into folder C:\Pages, using default file name template (Example.PageX.tiff) Put every pdf page into separate file
PDFConverter.exe C:\PDF\Example.pdf C:\Pages\NoPass.pdf -fo -mp YourPass -RemovePass Remove password from pdf file