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Convert XPS to JPEG


If you need to turn your XPS documents into images for some needs, you need to think about a few things: quality, size and compatibility of future graphic copies. For the combination of all three items JPEG is a suitable choice: it compresses graphics without visible quality loss and works with all popular viewers and editors. With Total PDF Converter you can convert XPS to JPEG in batch that will save a lot of your efforts!

Batch conversion is a huge plus for busy people. Just imagine, how long will it take to export every XPS file into a separate JPEG image manually, processing files one-by-one? It can be a disaster when time is a matter. Total PDF Converter will export all the files from XPS into JPEG automatically, following properties you specified before conversion starts. This way all you need is to setup required parameters, and the rest of work will be done by the program. For turning your files to JPEG, you can do the following:

  • Set the JPEG quality to minimize the file size
  • Select the range of pages for conversion (partial document conversion)
  • Set the DPI parameter
  • Combine all sources into one JPEG file
  • Convert every XPS page into a separate JPEG image

When dealing with a lot of documents, or converting every page into separate file, it is useful to set file name template for proper copies arrangement. This can be a name of original file, combined with number of page.

This way XPS JPEG converter will name every result file according to template. It can be adjusted in settings menu together with other parameters.

If you are looking for a way how to convert XPS files quicker, use the default settings and do not modify them manually. The program will simply convert every XPS original into a separate JPEG file, with maximal quality and DPI.

Try how to do this yourself - you will like the easiness and flexibility Total PDF Converter offers!


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Updated Thu, 27 Feb 2025

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