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Convert CR2 to JPG Online

1) Upload CR2 file to convert


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2) Set converting CR2 to JPG options

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3) Get converted file

Full version
Total Image Converter To Convert TIFF, JPEG, ICO, BMP
  • Convert Images in Batch!;
  • Convert CR2 to JPG and in many other formats
  • Process hundreds of files in 3 clicks;
  • Have a desktop converter that works without Internet;
  • Keep your files safe, don't send them to the web;
  • Get a more poweful engine for large images and RAW photos.
See features
NOW 20% OFF - $24.90 $17.43
*Only this month. Not for resellers.
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ok JPEG, TIFF, PSD, PNG, etc.
Total Image Converter supports the widest list of output file types: PDF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, JPEG, JPEG2000, ICO, GIF, PCX, TGA, PXM, PS, PCL! Besides, it converts many rare formats like PALM, PICT, XPM, FIX.
okRotate Images
Along with conversions you can rotate your images! All is done in batch so you save a lot of your valuable time.
okResize Images
With Total Image Converter it's very easy to resize your photos or images in batch. Make them suitable for the web or emailing.
okRAW photos
Total Image Converter supports almost all RAW camera photos (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, X3F, RAW, BAY, ORF, NRW, SRF, MRW). Save them as TIFF or JPEG files for easy publishing or sharing.
Add text watermarks to the header or the footer of the output file to prevent unauthorized use.
okClear interface
The inerface of the pss is clear and straightforward. The built-in Preview panel helps you to view each file full-sized and learn the info about it.
okCommand line
Total Image Converter can be run via command line (get the ready-to-use BAT file from GUI settings).

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Cloud Based
There is no need to install any software to convert CR2 to JPG with CoolUtils. Simply access the internet, and you can easily convert your file online with our service.
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Our hardware operates in top-tier, highly secure data centers equipped with advanced electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems.
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Ease of Use
Converting from CR2 to JPG has never been so simple. Our intuitive interface lets you convert files in just a few clicks.
Cloud Icon
We understand the importance of privacy, which is why we've developed a comprehensive privacy policy detailing how we handle your files and personal information. You can read the policy here.


CR2 File

File extension .CR2
CategoryImage File
DescriptionCR2 format contains uncompressed graphic data that was captured by Canon cameras. The format is based on TIFF specs and is aimed at storing the shots in RAW format. Different settings like exposition or white balance can be applied after the image is ported to PC. Some programs support CR2 format (Adobe Photoshop, ACD Systems Canvas). Besides graphics, CR2 file contains information about the shot, describing all its parameters that further can be changed without loss in quality.
Associated programsAdobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Paint Shop Pro
Developed byCanon Inc.
MIME type
Useful links
Conversion typeCR2 to JPG

JPG File

File extension .JPG, .JPEG, .JPE, .JFIF, .JFI
CategoryImage File
DescriptionJPG is the file format for images made by digital cameras and spread throughout the world wide web. Saving in JPG format an image loses its quality, because of the size compression. But at the end you have a much smaller file easy to archive, send, and publish in the web. These are the cases when an image's size matters more than image's quality. Nonetheless, by using professional software you can select the compression degree and so affect the image's quality.
Associated programs
Developed byThe JPEG Committee
MIME type
Useful linksMore detailed information on JPG files
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Why Convert CR2 to JPG

Wondering why you should convert CR2 images to JPG? CR2 images contain a lot of data and extraneous details that take up a lot of space. The CR2 file type stores Canon digital camera images making the files incompatible with many devices and applications. So, converting to JPG affords you the following benefits:

Benefits of Our Online CR2 to JPG Converter

Looking for a straightforward method to convert your CR2 files to JPG format for free and without extra apps? Look no further than our online CR2 to JPG Converter.

Simple & Fast

Upload your CR2 files and download them as JPG files in seconds. You don't need to install any software or register for an account. Just drag & drop or browse the files on your device. We will automatically convert the CR2 file to a JPG. It's that simple!

Secure and Reliable

Our online converter utilizes advanced encryption to protect your files and privacy, protecting your images from man-in-the-middle attacks. Plus, we promptly delete your files from our servers after the conversion is done. You can entrust us with your precious photos and images.

Available 24/7 for your convenience

Take advantage of the online converter by accessing it from any device and browser. Whether you need to convert one file or hundreds of files, we are always ready to help you. No matter what time of day or night, you can count on us to deliver high-quality JPG files.
So, don't waste time and resources on converters that are slow, complicated, or unsafe. Test our online CR2 to JPG Converter today and see the difference for yourself. You will love how hassle-free it is to convert CR2 files to JPG with us.

Batch Convert CR2 File to JPG

If you're a hobbyist or professional photographer, you no doubt have a lot of CR2 files that you want to convert to JPG format. Doing it one by one is quite tedious and not good for business. Fortunately, with the Coolutils Total Image CR2 file to JPG converter, you can handle any number of files at a go.

The offline software supports conversions to most image formats, including TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PSD, TGA, and many more. We've made it ultra-fast by introducing a new multithreading feature that allows you to process multiple pictures simultaneously. You can access other functions like the ability to resize, rotate, crop, watermark, and adjust the color of multiple images.

Say goodbye to outdated interfaces from the '90s. Coolutils Total Image Converter comes with an intuitive wizard-mode interface. You can browse all your files directly from the app.

How can you get our CR2 file to JPG converter for your PC? Download it from our official page and test it for free for the next 30 days with no restrictions. If you like it, you can get your full copy at just $19.90, a one-time payment. All future upgrades are free.

CR2 to JPG Converter Free

CoolUtils's CR2 to JPG Converter Free is a handy online tool that allows you to convert your CR2 files to JPG format with ease. You can use it to convert single image files to JPG without any hassle.

However, if you need the function to deal with multiple files at once, you need the offline app. The offline app offers better security, features, and speed than the online version. You can download it from our website and test it out for the next 30 days while enjoying the benefits of converting CR2 to JPG in bulk.

How to Change CR2 to JPG: Online vs Offline Method

If you have CR2 files that you want to convert to JPG format, you have two options: online or offline. The online option is to use CoolUtils, a website that allows you to upload your CR2 files and convert CR2 to JPG for free. This option is convenient and fast, but it has some limitations, such as file size and the number of conversions per day. Plus, it can take time to upload large CR2 images, even if you have a fairly decent internet connection.

The offline option is to use Total Image Converter, a third-party application that you can install on your computer and use for converting CR2 files to JPG in bulk. This option is more flexible and robust, but it requires a one-time purchase and installation. Regardless of the option you choose, we guarantee that we'll produce high-quality JPG files from your CR2 files.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to convert a CR2 file to a JPG online?

    A CR2 file is a raw image format used by the Canon Camera range. To convert CR2 to JPG for free, you can use a free online converter such as Coolutils.com. You only need to upload your CR2 file, choose JPG as the output format, and download the converted files.
  2. How to change CR2 to JPG on Windows?

    If you want to convert the CR2 file to JPG on Windows, you need to download the Total Image Converter from CoolUtils.com. Our powerful and easy-to-use software supports a wide range of output formats, including next-gen image formats designed to save space while preserving the output quality. Here are more benefits you get with Total Image Converter:
    • Save time by converting your images incredibly fast with the new multithreading feature;
    • Make images better for web display by converting CMYK images to RGB formats;
    • Bulk resize and crop images to fit your specific needs;
    • Include watermarks, comments, logos, or dates. Watermarks can be customized based on font, size, color, and position.
    To use our CR2 converter to JPG, you can select files or folders and set the output format and options from the toolbar. You can also preview the results before converting, and it's possible to optimize the output file size.
  3. Why are my photos in a CR2 format?

    CR2 is the standard raw image format produced by most Canon cameras like the Canon EOS 1D, Mark II, 1DS, and others. Raw images contain much more data than JPEG or other formats, which gives you more flexibility and control during post-processing. On the downside, raw images consume your limited storage space and don't have broad support. For instance, you will need to use software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom to view CR2 images.
  4. Can you change a CR2 file to JPG?

    Yes, you can change a CR2 file to JPG using an online converter, photo editing software, or offline converter tool. There are a few advantages that come with the chance. JPG files will take up less space. They are compatible with many programs and even mobile devices. Reducing the size also makes it easier to share and view your images. Because you'll lose the original image quality and image resolution when you convert from CR2 to JPG, it's always good to preserve the original files until you no longer need them.

How to convert CR2 to JPG?

  1. Upload Your File: Go to the site, click on «Upload File,» and select your CR2 file.
  2. Set Conversion Options: Choose JPG as the output format and adjust any additional options if needed.
  3. Convert and Download: Click «Download Converted File» to get your JPG file.

Convert from CR2

Using CoolUtils, it is possible to convert CR2 files to a variety of other formats:

Convert to JPG

Using CoolUtils, it is possible to convert a variety of other formats to JPG files:

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